CRM and ERP software implementation: process mapping

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When you choose new software tool to improve your business performance, it is vital to understand how to set up this software tool and make it work effectively. In the case of such software solutions as CRM and ERP software, you have to create a process mapping visualization to avoid any problems during implementation process. 

Process mapping: definition and impact

Process mapping is the best way to understand how the internal processes and business operations of your organization work. This is a tactic of visualizing those processes as a map to identify improvement opportunities and imperfections. Process mapping is extremely useful before switching to a business software, such as ERP or CRM software because you will understand which processes are automated with the help of this software, which ones should be improved, which ones should be eliminated, and so on. 

Process mapping: benefits

Find out the imperfections

Under imperfections, we mean processes that are either unneeded, time wasting, costly, and so on. You have to not only identify those processes but find a solution for each one: you have to find out how to improve the business efficiency. 

Quality Customer Service

As you could guess, process mapping also relates to customer service. Thus, you will find out how to delight customers better without unnecessary delays, downtimes, customer service issues and other problems that may harm customer experience. 

Sales Boost

The same relates to sales – with process mapping, you will see a big picture of how your sales strategy works. Perhaps you will find out some unnecessary aspects of it or overinvestment in low-efficient sales strategies or find new opportunities to sale more. 

Better Revenue

Process mapping is all about identifying inefficiencies and imperfections in your business operations, and what happens when you improve the efficiency of your business? You’ll start earning more by spending less. Process mapping is maybe the best way to boost revenue without huge investment. 


When you decide that you need a business solution such as CRM or ERP software, you have to understand that the efficiency of these solutions depends only on efficiency of your business operations. You can automate your useless business processes with those tools, but what’d the impact be? That’s why process mapping is a must-have stage for any business that really wants to improve its performance and key rates, such as sales, customer service and operational efficiency.