CRM in a box or in the cloud: what to choose?

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On-premises and cloud-based CRMs are competing solutions, each with positive and negative aspects.

Cloud CRM is worth choosing if:

  • The number of employees is relatively small.
  • The business needs mobility (frequent business trips, working from home, changing offices, the ability to access CRM from a smartphone, etc.)
  • The business is actively developing, rebuilding business processes.
  • There is no desire or opportunity to engage in CRM maintenance.
  • You need an inexpensive and fast solution.
  • The standard CRM functionality is suitable for the company’s tasks.

A boxed CRM is suitable if:

  • The company has a large number of employees.
  • The company is quite conservative and has established business processes.
  • There is no need to access CRM from the field and third-party devices, employees work in the office.
  • There is experience in using CRM and a clear understanding of the required functionality.
  • CRM is installed for a long period of time.
  • A custom solution is required.
  • It is possible to pay a large amount for the purchase of the program at once and it is more profitable than a subscription fee.
  • It is possible to provide high-quality maintenance of the program.

The numbers speak for themselves: about 90% of companies use cloud CRM. This allows you to save money, gives you a high level of mobility and freedom to change the program. With CRM in the cloud, you can forget about updates, technical issues, and worries about expanding the functionality – all this will be provided by the development company. Even if there are significant changes in the company, cloud CRM can be replaced with another without loss.